How to make Sweet Tamarind Sauce from the Sour Tamarind(V,GF)
Tamarind Sauce is indispensable for to make an Asian cuisine. Example Pad Thai, Tom Yum from Thailand. In India, Sambar( sour soup curry), dip for Dosa, Samosa etc… You can also use it for like a Jam, mixed with water or soda is very nice sweet and sour Juice.
Tamarind has so many Health Benefits.
- Boost Immune system
- Purifies Blood
- Prevents hair loss
- Improve Digestion
- Clean up Skin
- Rich Source of Vitamin C
and more…
and, you will definitely try to make Tamarind Rice. It’s Fantastic!
・300g Sour Tamarind
・300g Warm Water
・Organic Palm Sugar (same amount as tamarind paste after remove seeds and fiber)
1. separate the Tamarind while Prepare warm water (about 40°c) .
2. pour the warm water to the Tamarind and set aside 5min until soft.
3. use your hand, separate the seeds and fiber.
4. in a bowl, set up the strainer and take the Tamarind Puree.
5. use scale, prepare Palm Sugar as same amount of Tamarind Puree. transfer them to the pot and boil it 2min until sugar melted. if you want keep long time, boil 10-15min.

Don’t forget to tag #uguisu_kitchen_plantbased and @uguisu_kitchen_plantbasedon Instagram if you remake any of our recipes.
We do love to see your recreations 😉
- アンチエイジング
- 抗癌作用
- 免疫力アップ
- 高血圧に
- 便秘解消
- 豊富なビタミンC
・サワータマリンド 300g
・ぬるま湯 300g
1. 人肌より少し熱い程度のお湯を沸かします。その間にタマリンドの塊をほぐします。
2. タマリンドにお湯を注ぎ、5分ほど置いてふやかします。
3. よく手で揉んで種と繊維を剥がします。
4. ボウルにザルを敷き、裏ごしするようにして、種と繊維を取り除きます。
5. ボウルに残ったタマリンドペーストを鍋に移し、同量のパームシュガーを入れ軽く火にかけ、パームシュガーが溶けて混ざれば出来上がり。保存性を高めたい場合はもう少し煮詰めましょう。
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