Whole Eggplant Steamed Baba ghanoush(V,GF)

Whole Eggplant Steamed Baba ghanoush(V,GF)


Do you like Babaghanoush? It’s Middle Eastern Stater or appetizer made from Eggplant, tahini Lime Juice etc… and made from Grilled or Baked Eggplant and peering. but I suggest “Whole Food” so this Recipe is using Whole Eggplant. Eggplant peel has Anthocyanin! It’s a waste if you peering it. with peel but Creamy texture because of made from Steamed Eggplant and Normally Baba ghanoush use Tahini for Creamy but I use Sunflower Seed Butter from @Sunshine Roasters and It’s So Nice.




・5 medium Eggplants
4 tbs Sunflower seed Butter (or Tahini whatever you like)
1 Lime Juice
3 Cloves of Garlic
1.5 tsp Natural Salt




1. Set Eggplant to the Steamer in low heat until soft. slowly steam in low heat become more sweet taste from veggies.

2. When the Eggplant cool enough, Place all Ingredients in a Food Processor and  Process until smooth and Creamy.

3. Serve with some Extra Virgin Olive Oil, garnish with Herbs and Spices(I use Parsley and Cumin powder).

4. Enjoy.


So Easier than made with Grilled or Baked Eggplant. don’t need peering so no Kitchen waste and get Whole Nutritions. Why don’t you made it? and the Best Combination with Sunflower Seed Butter by @Sunshine Roasters. if you are in Cambodia, check their Beautiful Products.



Don’t forget to tag #uguisu_kitchen_plantbased and @uguisu_kitchen_plantbased on Instagram if you remake any of our recipes.
We do love to see your recreations 😉








・ナス中くらい 5本
・白練りゴマ 大さじ4
・ニンニク 3片
・自然塩 小さじ1.5〜




1. 蒸し器にナスをセットして弱火で柔らかくなるまで蒸します。(弱火で蒸すことで野菜の甘味が引き出されます)

2. ナスが十分に冷めたら、すべての材料をフードプロセッサーに入れ、滑らかになるまで攪拌します。お持ちでない方は、ニンニク摺り下ろし、茄子が熱いうちにフォークで潰して滑らかにしてください。

3. お皿に盛り付け、エクストラバージンオリーブオイル、お好みのハーブ、スパイスで飾ったら出来上がり。(今回はパセリとクミンを使用しました)







インスタグラムに投稿する際は、#uguisu_kitchen_plantbased & @uguisu_kitchen_plantbased を忘れずに!皆様のアレンジ楽しみにしています。