“Amasake” Japanese Traditional Sweet Rice Milk (V, GF, Sugar Free)

“Amasake” Japanese Traditional Sweet Rice Milk (No-Sugar)

Amasake is a sweet Rice drink which is made with Koji(Rice Malt) and Water or Koji, Rice and Water. It calls “Natural Investment” in Japan because of High in Nutritions. And we made it with Homemade Organic Brown Rice Koji and Spring Water.

Search it “how good” Koji is for your Health. I don’t have enough skills to explain in Eng. And everyone knows “how good” Organic Brown Rice for your Health.

This is one of the Special Japanese Super Food.


INGREDIENTS: ±1200g of Amasake

・300g Brown Rice Koji
・500g cooked Brown Rice (leftover is fine)
・500ml Spring Water


Electric Rice Cooker


1. prepared cooked Brown Rice(chilled leftover is fine)or cooked and cool down.
2. In the Electric Rice cooker, place all Ingredients and combine.
3. set the Rice cooker KEEP Warm. NO Cooked.
4. covered with cloth DON’T Close LID.
5. Keep Warm 12H(stir often)
6. It’s ready but to keep in the fridge for another night be more good.



before fermented.

NOTE: This Recipe is double concentrate so thin out with water when you drink it.
Enjoy with a bit hot water and grated ginger is Japanese style. Add to your smoothies, eat like overnight oat, porridge or whatever you like be creative. I’ll share next Recipe to make Sugar-free fermented Vanilla Ice Cream by this Amasake.


Do you want to try to make Amasake? You can buy Koji from @Uguisusabou if you’re in Cambodia. Message us.

Looking for Organic Rice? The best Organic Rice from @ibisrice Cambodia.



Don’t forget to tag #uguisu_kitchen_plantbased and @uguisu_kitchen_plantbased on Instagram if you remake any of our recipes.

We do love to see your recreations 😉







・玄米(炊いたもの) 500g
・天然水 500ml




1. すべての材料を炊飯器にセットしよく混ぜ合わせます。(玄米を炊いてから使う場合はよく冷ましてから混ぜ合わせて下さい)
2. 炊飯器を保温モードにし蓋はせず、布で覆います。
3. 時々かき混ぜながら12時間保温します。
4. 12時間で食べられますが、冷まして冷蔵庫でもう一晩寝かせると一層美味しくなります。





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