Chickpea Tofu(V,GF,SOY FREE) – No need NIGARI, Lemon even Vinegar.

Chickpea Tofu(V,GF,SOY FREE) – No need NIGARI, Lemon even Vinegar.


No need Soy, NIGARI, Lime juice even Vinegar. easy tasty Chickpea Tofu Recipe.



・300g dried Chickpeas (soaked overnight)
・500ml Spring Water


1. drain & rinse Chickpeas.
2. place Chickpeas to Blender and Blend them until smooth. I did it to divide a Two times.
3. Strain water trough cloth.
4. pour into the pot and boil it in medium heat until thick and heavy.
5. transfer to container and lets sit until cool. when cool down tofu become firm up.
6. when it cools down move to fridge and chill.
7. scoop it and enjoy with grated ginger, chives and soy sauce or good salt.



Don’t forget to tag #uguisu_kitchen_plantbased and @uguisu_kitchen_plantbasedon Instagram if you remake any of our recipes.

We do love to see your recreations 😉






・ひよこ豆 300g(たっぷりの水に一晩浸水する)
・天然水 500ml



1. ひよこ豆を浸水していた水を捨て、洗って水を切っておく。
2. ブレンダーに豆と水を入れ滑らかになるまで攪拌する(二回に分けました)
3. 布で濾す
4. 濾した液体を鍋に移し中火にかける
5. 液体がもったりしてきたら火を止めて容器に移し冷ます(常温で固まります)
6. 冷めたら冷蔵庫に入れて冷やす。








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